4 Canine Training Methods Used Most Often By Dog Owners

Canine training is not a one-size-fits-all effort. Every dog is different and has different needs, so it’s important to tailor your training to your specific dog. However, there are some dog obedience techniques that are more popular and work more often than others. When you are training any new dog, it is always vital to get professional help, but there are ways to supplement that help on your own. These 4 methods will help take your dog obedience skills to the next level. 

Be the Pack Leader

Dogs are instinctive creatures. That instinct leads them to naturally gravitate towards having a pack with which to live. Every pack needs a leader and a social hierarchy. It is important that you and your family members are looked at as the pack leaders. If dogs consider themselves the alphas of the pack, then they will not do as anyone tells them. This means you need to project confidence and authority so that the dog will read these signs that you are in charge. There is some evidence that dogs may not be as reliant on packs as once believed but being authoritative and confident is still vital. 

Be Positive

You’ve probably seen and heard dog owners in your neighborhood getting angry with their dogs when they misbehave. They might even spank them or smack their noses. This will only instill a sense of fear in the dog. The best thing is to reward good behaviors. Dogs will repeat actions that earn them a reward. So if your dog does what you ask, give them a treat, or attention, or even kind words. 

Training With a Clicker

You have probably heard of the concept of Pavlov’s dog. This is the theory that a dog will react to something if they associate it with a reward. In Pavlov’s case, the dog would drool at the sound of a bell after it got accustomed to eating after hearing a bell. Clicker training for dog obedience works on this concept combined with positive reinforcement. During canine training, if the dog exhibits good behavior, then you can click, or make a distinctive noise like a whistle, and then provide the reward. The dog will get used to a reward following that noise. You can then use the sound to develop good dog obedience behaviors going forward. 

Mirror Canine Training

There are many theories out there that dogs can learn by observing the behaviors of others. Mirror canine training works on this concept. You can use other dogs, and even people, to model the behaviors you want your dog to emulate. You can get your human helper to perform certain tasks, and then provide them with a reward. The dog will see these rewards, and then try to mimic those actions so they can get a reward as well. Dogs can also model the trainer’s behavior, so make sure to always be on your best behavior. 


Canine training involves skill and patience. It is always best to consult professionals and to attend dog obedience classes to get the best training advice. Lara’s Canine Solutions services dog owners in the San Antonio area from their convenient location in New Braunfels and can help you develop a strong bond between you and your dog. 


For more information about canine training in San Antonio, San Marcos, Austin, and New Braunfels visit our website at https://larascaninesolutions.com