Dog Obedience Classes: Why They Are Recommended For New Puppies

Your new puppy is a joy to watch and cuddle as it learns more about the world each day. They run, jump and chew on toys with a passion that’s almost endless. Although your puppy is perfect in your eyes, it does have a personality of its own. Both good and bad traits will stem from this personality. Most experts agree that dog obedience classes are critical during the first year of a puppy’s life. There are several reasons for this determination.

Minds Like Sponges

Your puppy is soaking in all of the information surrounding it every day. From learning about leaf textures to relationships with other pets, puppies gain knowledge at an astoundingly fast rate. By starting out any dog training at six to 12 weeks old, your puppy will catch onto many concepts with ease. Puppies may even solidify the information faster in their minds compared to older dogs. They’re currently making new, brain-cell connections so early training is always beneficial regardless of the dog’s breed.

Curbing Bad Behavior Early On

It’s a reality that most San Antonio families will put off any dog obedience classes until the pet is actually misbehaving. Ideally, the class should be taken before any bad behavior really takes hold. This scenario ensures that the pup will have good behavior ingrained in the mind. Bad behavior that can get out of hand includes chewing inappropriate objects, excessive barking,  and aggression. Lashing out in an aggressive manner is a particularly dangerous behavior that is easily controlled with the proper training. With your assertive commands, the pup immediately knows right from wrong.

Learning Who’s in Charge

Every dog has a pack mentality because of its primal instincts. There will always be an alpha dog that’s in charge of the pack. When it comes to domestic animals, the family unit is the pack. The pup, however, must know that it’s subordinate to the master of the house. During dog training, pups learn that it’s their master who’s in charge. Allowing the pup to run the household will only result in misbehavior and lack of control on the owner’s part. Waiting for the pup to be older during obedience classes only allows the alpha concept to gain traction in its mind.

Forms Bond Between Man and Pet

New puppies look up to their masters for protection, comfort, and nourishment. By participating in classes together, man and pet form a strong bond. This relationship lasts throughout life as both participants gain a sense of respect for each other. Pups actively listen to the owner instead of ignoring certain commands. Older dogs tend to have concrete ideas of being on their own so bonds may not be as strong with these pets. Gain the attention and respect of your puppy to see a bond that’s unbreakable as it grows up.

Continuing With Dog Obedience Classes

The majority of pet owners see obedience classes as a one-time experience. This perception isn’t true when you want to really see a difference in your pet’s behavior. Once you complete the first training session, return to the same “school” in about a year’s time. This subsequent class reminds and solidifies the information in the pup’s mind. From the pet’s perspective, the class is more fun than a serious, learning experience.

If you’re concerned about your puppy’s development, work with professionals who can answer those questions. The experts at Lara’s Canine Solutions, who’re located just outside of San Antonio, can go over the selection of dog obedience or other necessary training. With a dedicated family supporting the puppy, training can be completed with a good handle on the appropriate behaviors.

For more information about dog obedience classes in the San Antonio, San Marcos, Austin, or New Braunfels area, visit our website at