German Shepherd Puppies – When to Train

German Shepherd Puppies – The Right Age to Start Training

Training German shepherd puppies is critical for their mental and physical health, along with protecting your home’s belongings from accidental damage. Even if an owner lives in an area with lots of outdoor space, including San Antonio, a quality dog trainer is necessary to keep the puppies out of trouble. They will grow into large animals, requiring some courteous response to the owner’s requests. Training typically begins at a young age.


The Younger, the Better for German Shepherd Puppies

Once puppies are about 8 weeks old, they’re ready for simple commands. They may be a rambunctious group, but their minds are similar to human babies’ brains when it comes to learning. The brain is developing at a rapid rate, allowing any commands to be quickly ingrained into the mind. An experienced dog trainer can start out with sitting, heeling and even begging. They may not need too many treats at this age to form a positive connection during training either. Affection and playing are often enough to solidify the information.


Safety is Key

Some dog owners may wait until the puppy is nearly 6 months old to start official training with a group, but this is often a bad choice. By this age, the German shepherd is relatively large depending on their genes. Owners need to be able to control the dog to a point that no one is hurt. If the dog takes off to chase another dog, for example, the owner needs a quick way to bring the puppy back to them without physically running after them. The safety of other dogs and people are at risk without proper training at a young age.


German Shepherd Puppies as they Grow

More training is possible as the months and years go by. It’s critical to keep old commands in regular use while adding new ones. Although the dog doesn’t need to perform complicated stunts, difficult commands help the German shepherd remain mentally sharp. As with exercising the body, the mind needs stimulation too. Consider fetching balls or hide items in a backyard. Use commands to guide the dog to and from the target item and reward them with treats. Positive reinforcement and new commands are two important keys to maintaining a young-at-heart dog. They’ll stay sharp for most of their lives. Give those German shepherd puppies a reason to feel proud of themselves with a good dog trainer by their side. The training lasts a lifetime if the owner uses the commands on a regular basis, making the time commitment a valuable asset.


For more information about German shepherd puppies or a dog trainer visit our website at